pretty pear life

Slow Down and Show Yourself Some Grace

podcast season 1 Oct 16, 2019

Welcome to the Pretty Pear Life Podcast! Today, I'm coming to you from my family reunion in Myrtle Beach. I had a great time but it caused me to really sit back and think about two things - slowing down and showing ourselves some grace.



We as women are taught by society to go, go, go and not get the rest we need. Ladies we have to do better! We have to take our self care days, moments and events seriously.

Key Takeaways of this Episode:

  1. It's NOT counterintuitive to slow down and have fun.
  2. By not taking time for ourselves, it's a sign that we are not loving ourselves enough.

Sounds good? Then pop in those earbuds right now and tune in, because when you finish this episode, you’ll discover how to beautiful, loved, and empowered!

If this episode inspired you in any way, I'd love to hear your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram stories, and tag @prettypearbride

I'll see you back here next time. Until then; feel amazing, be amazing!

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