pretty pear life podcast

What does Self Love do for Me?

podcast season 2 Feb 07, 2020

Welcome to  Season 2!

Today, I'm sharing a question that I get asked quite often. When I talk to people about self love people are always intrigued and wonder exactly how self love can transform their life. So in this episode, I dive into what self love can really do for you, how it can literally transform your life, and open up a whole new world for you.



Radical Self Love Challenge

I'm so excited to share my FREE 5-Day Radical Self Love Challenge to unlock the future of your dreams and a life of happiness. I know so many plus size women struggle with being happy exactly where they are and feeling like they have to "do something" like lose weight to be happy and live their best life. But that's not the truth at all and during the challenge, I'll share the 5 missing keys that have been stopping you from radical self love.

It starts February 9th - 13th and you can join in on the fun here:

And don't worry if you catch the episode once the challenge has ended. Follow the link and get on the wait list for the next time I offer it!

Key Takeaways of this Episode:

  1. Self-confidence gets you happiness, fulfillment, and calmness.
  2. Confidence means different things for people and establishing what you want to achieve will help you show your true self.

Sounds good? Then pop in those earbuds right now and tune in, because when you finish this episode, you’ll discover how to beautiful, loved, and empowered!

If this episode inspired you in any way, I'd love to hear your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram stories, and tag @prettypearbride

I'll see you back here next time. Until then; feel amazing, be amazing!

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