pretty pear life podcast

Affirmations and Mirror Work (Bonus)

podcast season 1 Oct 15, 2019

Welcome to the Pretty Pear Life Podcast! Today, I wanted to share a bonus episode with you to go over something that will help with what we talked about in EP2.



We talked about changing the way you think about yourself and that starts with eliminating negative self talk and replacing it with positive affirmations. In this episode I'm sharing what affirmations are and how you can use them with the concept of mirror work. This is a very powerful concept and if done correctly you can really start to see some true transformation.

Key Takeaways of this Episode:

  1. How positive affirmations affect your way of thinking and behaving. It is by planting a healing thought or an idea to help us develop a better self-esteem and confidence in order to create inner peace and joy.
  2. The power in an affirmation come in 2 situations:
    • By saying it out loud
    • When saying it in front of the mirror
  3. Seeing and talking to ourselves eye to eye in the mirror, we're able to see what thoughts we need to change just by seeing our selves talk.

Sounds good? Then pop in those earbuds right now and tune in, because when you finish this episode, you’ll discover how to beautiful, loved, and empowered!

If this episode inspired you in any way, I'd love to hear your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram stories, and tag @prettypearbride

I'll see you back here next time. Until then; feel amazing, be amazing!

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