Advice To My Younger Self - Tips for Plus Size Teens and Young Adults
Oct 31, 2019Welcome to the Pretty Pear Life Podcast! Today, I wanted to share a few tips that I would have shared to my younger self. So it's all about three important tips I would share to myself as a plus size teen or young adult.
It's so hard being teen or young adult in our society today but it's even harder being a plus size teen or young adult. The shame and self doubt that comes with being a plus size teenage or young adult can be huge and truly hard to navigate. In this episode I share 3 things that I wish someone would have shared with me back then. These are things that can be done immediately to help on the journey of self love and feeling beautiful at a younger age.
Key Takeaways of this Episode:
- Understanding that by knowing your value and your worth, you're able to start acting like the person who knows that they are worthy.
- By understanding your worth and value, you are able to stop people from treating your poorly.
Sounds good? Then pop in those earbuds right now and tune in, because when you finish this episode, you’ll discover how to beautiful, loved, and empowered!
If this episode inspired you in any way, I'd love to hear your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram stories, and tag @prettypearbride
I'll see you back here next time. Until then; feel amazing, be amazing!
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