pretty pear life podcast

Showing up as a Plus Size Bride and Woman with Jackie of PressPlay Lifestyle (Bonus Episode)

podcast season 2 Mar 24, 2020

Today, I'm sharing a bonus episode with you from an interview I did on my friend Jackie's podcast, PressPlay Lifestyle Inspired Podcast. She provides inspiring content and interview inspiring people that can help us support others who feel buried by stress and feel like they can’t take a breath. She helps them slow down, breathe deeply, and identify small steps so they can experience more joy, resilience and ease.

It was a great time, which I'm sure you will be able to see from how much laughing we did.



Key Takeaways of this Episode:

  1. How and why I started my blog. I shared my WHYs and why it was important for me to have a platform for women like me.
  2. We discussed about showing up as a plus size woman and the vulnerabilities that come with being visible, whether in your business or even in your life.

Sounds good? Then pop in those earbuds right now and tune in, because when you finish this episode, you’ll discover how to beautiful, loved, and empowered!


  1. Jackie Schwabe's Facebook Group
  2. Jackie Schwabe's Podcast
  3. 5 Days to Radical Self Love Challenge
  4. Pretty Pear Bride (Inspiration for Plus Size Brides)
  5. Pretty Pear Bride Facebook Group
  6. 10 Steps to Eliminate that Negative Inner Voice and Build Confidence

If this episode inspired you in any way, I'd love to hear your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram stories, and tag @prettypearbride

I'll see you back here next time. Until then; feel amazing, be amazing!

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